Providing a diverse world-class infrastructure essential to generating and disseminating critical knowledge and technologies for Arizona and the world.
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Providing a diverse world-class infrastructure essential to generating and disseminating critical knowledge and technologies for Arizona and the world.
The Arizona Experiment Station provides a diverse set of world-class infrastructure essential to generating and disseminating critical knowledge and technologies for Arizona and the world. Delivered from 11 STEM centers across Arizona, the Experiment Station offers 2,600 acres of irrigable land, 122,000 acres of rangeland, 73,600 ft2 of greenhouse space, 450 range cattle, 21,000 ft2 of shop space and 17 meetings rooms, and 49 dorm beds to support research, extension and instruction activities. research support, for use by private and public researchers and educators. To discuss further and arrange a visit to any location, please Contact Mitch McClaran, Associate Director at mcclaran@email.arizona.edu.
Our STEM centers provide exceptional supporting infrastructure for world-class delivery in Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences education, knowledge generation and economic growth in Arizona for the world.
Purpose, Mission and Guiding Principles of the AES
AES Zero-Based Budgets: Past and Present
AZMET Meterological Network
The Maricopa Agricultural Center's main focus is on cotton, small grains, alfalfa, and new specialty crops that could be used to provide fibers, oils, pharmaceuticals, etc. The research projects are related to irrigation and crop water requirements, soils and crop fertility, insects and IPM management, cotton production and breeding, new crops and their uses, weed control, cultural management practices, plant diseases, and urban entomology.
Director: Malcom Green
Resources include:
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Director: Jeff Silvertooth
Resources include:
The Southern Arizona Experiment Station is a network of five agricultural experiment centers located within working proximity to the University of Arizona campus. The network consists of the Campus Agricultural Center (CAC), West Campus Agricultural Center (WCAC), Red Rock Agricultural Center (RRAC), Santa Rita Experimental Range (SRER), and the Al-Marah Equine Center (AMEC).
Director: Steve Husman
Resources include:
主人订做防猫架,几天后三花猫破解,爽趴键盘示威 - Sohu:2021-12-6 · 养了喵星人之后,想好好工作真的很难!三花猫“花花”喜欢在家人工作时趴在电脑键盘上,因此饲主只好订制一个“防猫键盘架”,没想到才过几天就被聪明的花花给“破解”。 事后饲主在网上无奈表示,“各位奴才请去…
Cyber Experiment Station Director:
Matt Rahr - rahr@cals.arizona.edu
Resources include:
The Safford Agricultural Research Center provides research and service to farmers in a wide area that includes Graham, Greenlee and Cochise counties. Located just outside Safford in Graham County, this 63-acre agricultural center has been a performance testing site in the long staple cotton breeding program for more than 30 years. Solving problems in cotton is a particular focus; variety testing for a number of field crops is another. The Agricultural Center also provides the infrastructure for Cooperative Extension agricultural research throughout the southeastern part of the state.
Director: Randy Norton
Resources include:
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Director: Keith "Bopper" Cannon
Resources include: